Unleashing Creativity: A Review and Summary of Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon

The Book Buffets


Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon is a refreshing take on creativity, challenging traditional notions and encouraging readers to embrace the idea of borrowing, remixing, and transforming existing ideas to fuel their own artistic endeavors. The book provides valuable insights for anyone seeking to unlock their creative potential.

 Book summary: Steal Like an Artist | Ammar Alakkad

Key Themes:

  1. Embracing Influence: Kleon argues that nothing is entirely original, and every artist is influenced by those who came before. He encourages readers to acknowledge their influences and use them as a springboard for their own unique creations.

  2. The Power of Remixing: The author introduces the concept of "remixing," suggesting that creativity is about taking existing elements and combining them in new and innovative ways. Kleon advocates for building on the work of others rather than starting from scratch.

  3. Productive Creativity: Kleon emphasizes the importance of being productive and consistently producing work. He encourages readers to establish a routine, set aside time for creative pursuits, and recognize that creativity is a habit that can be cultivated.

  4. Stealing with Integrity: The book delves into the ethical aspect of "stealing" ideas. Kleon argues that it's not about plagiarism but about learning from others, transforming ideas, and giving credit where it's due. It's a call for ethical and responsible creative borrowing.

  5. Embracing Constraints: Kleon suggests that constraints can be a catalyst for creativity. Instead of viewing limitations as obstacles, he encourages artists to see them as opportunities to think outside the box and find unique solutions.


  1. Accessible and Engaging Writing: Kleon's writing style is approachable and filled with anecdotes, making the book an easy and enjoyable read. It's suitable for both seasoned artists and those just starting on their creative journey.

  2. Practical Advice: The book provides actionable advice that readers can immediately apply to enhance their creative process. From maintaining a creative notebook to cultivating a network of influences, Kleon offers practical tips for fostering creativity.

  3. Visual Appeal: "Steal Like an Artist" is visually appealing, with illustrations and a layout that complements the content. The design enhances the overall reading experience.


  1. Repetitive at Times: Some readers may find certain concepts repeated throughout the book. While repetition can reinforce key ideas, it might be perceived as slightly redundant.

  2. Limited Depth in Certain Areas: The book covers a broad range of topics, but some readers might wish for more in-depth exploration of certain concepts. It serves as an excellent starting point but may leave some wanting a deeper dive into specific areas.


Steal Like an Artist is a thought-provoking and practical guide for anyone looking to tap into their creative potential. Austin Kleon's approach challenges conventional thinking about creativity and provides a roadmap for cultivating inspiration responsibly. Whether you're an artist, writer, or entrepreneur, this book offers valuable insights to help you thrive in the creative process. Highly recommended for those seeking a fresh perspective on unleashing their creativity.


Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon is a creative manifesto that challenges the conventional notion of originality and encourages individuals to draw inspiration from various sources. Kleon emphasizes that creativity is about embracing influences, remixing ideas, and transforming existing elements into something new. The book advocates for productive creativity, ethical borrowing, and the idea that constraints can fuel innovation. Kleon's writing is accessible, filled with practical advice, and supported by a visually appealing layout. While some may find certain concepts repetitive, the book serves as a valuable guide for anyone looking to unlock their creative potential by approaching the creative process with openness, integrity, and a willingness to learn from others.


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